Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Found Image V

This is a photo from LIFE magazine of the actress Ingrid Bergman. The celebrity aside, the composition in this piece is organized beautifully. The female figure in the front is more in focus than the three women in the middle ground. Contrast is created between the upclose figure's white shirt and the dark dresses of the figures behind her. In this image the three layers of fore ground, middle ground, and background are all visible. The opposition of the subjects' gazes creates different directional lines as well.

Blog V

Here is a photo I took of two wandering foals in a meadow. I adjusted the brightness and contrast in this image to make the blacks more rich and dark. I changed the image to black and white and used the curves palette to adjust the tones. The foals are on the left side of the frame which gives them room to move in the picture. The road is a direct line cutting through the background. The line created by the direction the foals are moving is implied. I sharpened the texture on the two babies to make them stand out more from the background.

Friday, October 23, 2009

For this book cover I used a title that already exists as a novel. The colors I used were very unsaturated, and I used feminine colors as well. I used the same font throughout the cover for cohesiveness. The title somewhat contrasts with what the book's contents seem to be about. Used monochrome colors on the cover too so that nothing would be too distracting.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Blog IV

This found image is of a female dancer. The dancer is the main center of focus because there is no background to distract from her figure. There are many fluid lines created by her arms and legs which create movement and flow through the image. This photo is very commercial, it would probably be found in a dance magazine. The dancer's soft colors of her dress contrast with the strength of her body.


In this assignment I had a lot of fun creating different objects with the letter E. I enjoyed using the painting tool as well to create some depth in the frame. The black background gives the image a sort of spooky feeling. The colors I chose all show up easily on the black background, however, I did adjust the opacity of the letters so they were somewhat transparent and more interesting.

Poster/Book Cover I

Here is my made up book cover. I chose to use red because it is bold and would easily catch a consumer's eye. The background texture is folds of cloth which I thought contrasted well with the title of the book. The title is done in a unique font that corresponds to the title. The author's name and the rest of the type on the cover is all done in the same font to keep the cover cohesive and not too complicated.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Blog VI

In this photo there are horizontal lines created by the waves and the beach line, which are intersected by the girl's vertical figure. There are layers in this image, starting with the sand that is closest at the bottom of the screen, then the figure, then the wave layers and finally the ocean and the sky. The image is not overly saturated which makes it more natural, the colors are very cool in temperature. I also like that the weight is mostly in the bottom of the image with the sky being plain and open at the top of the photo.

Blog III-found image

Here is an image of some grand stands at a horse racing track. There are obviously many lines in this picture that pull the viewer back to a vantage point. The left side of the image is darker and heavier than the right. There is also framing created by the grand stands which goes around the bottom, left, and top side of the image. Although all the line movement makes the image more lively, the lack of any presence also creates a sense of abandonment throughout the photo.

Blog III

Here is an photo/collage that I made from a magazine cover a while ago. I first made an acrylic lift of the image and then used the lift to make the repeated face images. I liked the idea of using a commercial image and turning it back into a regular photo using some more "old school" processes. The image, because it is repeated, creates a pattern in the piece. Pattern is also created by the repetition of colors.

Blog II-found image

This picture of an old couple appeals not only visually but also emotionally. The use of black and white film creates a feeling of history and the couples hands and faces create movement through the image. The main center of focus is the elderly woman's face and the eye can move up to the top right corner and also back down the image, following the lines of the couple's hands. The couple's gestures and facial expressions cause the viewer to feel love and family, which creates a feeling of warmth in the photo.

Blog II

Another picture taken back home in Sheridan, Wyoming. In this photo there is balance created by the street signs glowing on the left and right side of the image. The picture has a an eery feeling created by the large amount of darkness in the image and the dimly lit walkway. Even though it was night time I still think there are some beautiful colors created by the light reflecting off the alley.
This is an image I found on the web. I found it to be very eye catching because of the contrast between the bright whites and dark blacks. In the picture there is movement created by all the circular shapes, which bounce your eye throughout the image. The man on the right starts the viewer's eye, and then the eyes move along the clocks to the left.
This is a picture I took while visiting a friends farm in Wyoming. I love the expression on the horse's face, he was very sleepy. In this picture there are contextual elements that give the viewer an idea of where this photo was taken. The fence and the feeder in the background provide more information than no back ground. (I do wish that the feeder was not merged with the top of the horse's head however!)

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

2nd Collage

Here is my second attempt at the collage assignment. I really had fun combining images and playing with textures and color. My image is heavier on the right side because of the way I used the darker colors for the horse on that side. I love how the rust colors play off the aqua-ish hues in this collage. Lots of fun!

First Attempt at Collage Assignment

Here is a little combination of artwork from different eras. I combined some different paintings along with an image from the class blog site. Cheers!