Thursday, December 10, 2009

Here is a photo I found on the internet. I love the mysterious glow created by the fog in this image. This photo is shot using the rule of thirds because the weight is in the bottom left portion of the frame. There are also lines that create different directions for the eyes to follow throughout the image.
This is a Van Dyke infrared image I took of a dance studio that I grew up in as a kid back home in Wyoming. There is a very antique feeling created by the subject of the image and the color created by the Van Dyke process.


Picturing the Other-Me

Picturing the Other-Me

Picturing the Other-Someone I Don't Know

Here is an image I took of someone I don't know. This guy was more than willing to pose for me which was very surprising. I like the high contrast of the image which I created in photoshop. There's not much else to say about this one! He was a character that's for sure!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Picturing the Other-Someone I know

Here is an image of a little boy I know named Luke. It was chilly outside but he didn't care, all he wanted to do was splash around in the water. I think by having Luke centrally focused allows the viewer to really look at the simple details of the little boy. In this photo I feel like we can really get the feeling of childhood and the ordinary things that are so amusing to small children. All in all this image just really makes me smile!