Friday, November 20, 2009

Found Image

Here is an image I found on the web by a man named Stanley Greenberg. This image is from the water systems in New York. The appeared repetition of circles going back into the tunnel creates pattern in the image and also give depth to photo. There is an overall gray tone to the image, it is not extremely contrasty but the shadows are dark and create interesting extra lines in the image.

This image was taken during a thunderstorm in my home town. In this photo there are many opposing lines which make this photo have tension but also create perspective. The telephone pole cuts the image into sections with all the parallel and perpendicular lines. I used a slower shutter speed and moved my camera to create the light movement in the background. The perspective also makes the telephone pole seem a lot larger than it actually is in real life.

Cubecraft resident finished

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Scratch 2

Scratch 1

For this piece I played with the use of various repetitive shapes. I also used shapes to create some depth, and used brighter colors in the foreground of the image. I especially enjoy the dancing figures which I repeated on the right side of the image.

Cube craft design template

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Found Image

This image is from the band TOOL's album artwork. Again the viewer can see the very bright colors stand out from the very dark background There is a central figure, which is made even more prominent by the spirals radiating from the center of the image. There are complimentary colors on the central image, red and green, and complimentary colors of blue-ish purple and yellow/orange. Overall this is an image that seems to be coming out of the picture plane at the viewer.
This is a watercolor I did a while ago. I really love how the colors compliment each other, the warm orange and the cooler purples really flow well together in the painting. The main focus, obviously, is the horse in the center, which is also the sharpest object in the painting. The other horses in the background gradually get more and more out of focus.

Found Image

This is a fashion editorial image that I found on the web. I love the up close view of the eye, and the intensity of the color captured in the image. Since this is a fashion photo, the context in which this piece was used is important. This photo was probably used to show an intense eye cream make up. The author of this image made the whites of the eye contrast with an almost completely black iris, which makes it unrealistic, which fashion photography usually portrays.
Here is a photo of a famous bar where I am from, The Mint. In this image there are many bright colors that contrast with the darkness of the atmosphere around the bar. This photo is heavier on the right side of the image where there are more bright colors visible. The horizontal writing of the bar name is split by the diagonal motion of the bronco and cowboy sign in the right side of the picture. There is also a small horse and rider that can be seen in the shadows on the left of the image which is a nice detail for the viewer to see as well!

Found Image

Here is another found image. I thought this image was playful, dynamic, and emotional. There is a lot of action going on in this image, but the photographer managed to get one of the boys in clear focus. The expressions captured on the boys' faces show how much fun they are having splashing around in the water! There are lines that move the eye all through the image: the leg cutting through the right side of the photo, the boys diagonal leg on the left side and then up the torso. Most importantly I think this photo makes the viewer smile and feel what the boys in the photo are feeling-pure innocent joy.
This image is from when I visited the Bahamas in 2007. The exposed coral takes up a majority of the image. There are a lot of organic shapes created by all the craters in the coral and the rocks. The contrast in the image allows for a more intense image, rather than just a boring image of coral. The sepia color gives the feeling of something that has been around for a while. The color is also natural and earth-ish.

Found Image

Here is a photo collage made by someone else. I thought the image was very cheesy! This type of image would definitely be something a person would make for themselves rather than for a lot of people to see. It is very ordinary in the fact that its a sunset (which is very romantic) along with the silhouettes of a man and woman. To make it even tackier the woman's face is very large and her gaze is straight at the viewer, while her husband, boyfriend, fiance, whatever, is kissing her face. Although the idea is sweet I find this image too cheesy to look at for more than 10 seconds!

Here is a picture that I took in my hometown of Sheridan, Wyoming. The color palette for this image is mostly cool, with some warm tones thrown in here and there caused by the building lights. The layout of this image is mostly horizontal, with one telephone wire diagonally cutting through the top left half of the image.